Hi, everybody!

I wanted to post about a little problem I have while developing multilingual site I'm working on.

I plan to include content in various languages, focusing on 3 at the moment: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

I have followed the docs on i18n and this are working great, except for one little detail. I'm not able to switch current language to Portuguese(pt) language, while I can change to Brazilian Portuguese(pt_br). I see that Portuguese(pt) locale does not exist in the framework, but does that prevent me from using it on my site?

Below are the appropriate settings I use in settings.py:


LANGUAGE_CODE           = 'en'

    #('de', 'Deutsch'),
    ('en', 'English'),
    ('es', 'Espa�ol'),
    #('fr', 'Fran�ais'),
    #('hu', 'Magyar'),
    #('it', 'Italiano'),
    #('ja', '   '),
    #('pl', 'Polski'),
    ('pt', 'Portugu�s'),
    #('ro', 'Rom�n '),
    #('ru', '      '),
    #('zh', '  '),

USE_I18N = True




Has anyone working on Portuguese sites encountered the same problem? Should I use Brazilian Portuguese instead?

I'd appreciate some help with figuring out how to go about adding that locale to my site in simplest and sensible way.

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