On Wed, Mar 10, 2021 at 07:43:55AM -0800, Mostapha Bouderka wrote:
> I'm working on a project with react and django; and want to use django 
> views to be used as information source only and not show a page on the 
> browser. For example, I have a pilot sign up page that uses a pilot create 
> view to provide information to the pilot model. I want the users to be able 
> to sign up only by using the sign up page, but if someone accesses the 
> create pilot view, he shouldn't see anything.
> ( if the url is domain.com/sign-up, he can see the react form )
> (if the url is domain.com/pilot/create, he shouldn't see anything or get an 
> error, this url should only be used by the react form) 

You can probably do something like:

if not request.accept('application/json'):
        raise SuspiciousOperation("Sorry we only handle JSON")

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