Hi, i need i new widget for Select fields. 

 I have in my models 2 classes: 

class address(models.Model): 
   lastname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="", ) 
   firstname = models.CharField(max_length=255, default="", blank=True, 

and a second   class: 

class emailaddress(models.Model): 
   address_link = models.ForeignKey(Address, on_delete=models.CASCADE, 
blank=False,  null=False, default=None,) Now i want define 

in my forms.py: 
  class Emailsform(forms.ModelForm): 
         class Meta: 
             model = emailaddress fields = ["address_link"] 
             widgets = {'address_link':multiselectfilterview()} 

Now in frontend i want a normal multiselect field. When user click on this 
input field then a modal open with a Adress view. This Adress view should 
get all adresses with ajax. In this Adress View Paging and Filtering must 
be possible. In this modal in left column checkboxes are shown and user can 
select multiple adresses with this checkbox. In Modal View there must be a 
submit button and when user click on submit all adresses which is checked 
is submit to original multiselect field. This widget must be modular so i 
can use it for another foreingkey relations. 

Have anyone a idea how i can implement such a widget or have already done 


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