This is heads up in case anyone sees something similar:

I have managed to trigger this degenerate query case in two completely 
different Django 2.2 projects.   In production with a normal sized dataset, 
the query time is fine.  But during unit testing with a small subset of the 
data, the queries took a long time.  A LONG time.

In the most recent case each query took 100x longer.  200+ seconds instead 
of 2 seconds.  The unit test dataset isn't very large because it's a unit 

I think I may have first seen this when I upgraded the project to postgres 

Manually vacuuming between tests resolves the issue.  (Yes, autovacuum is 
on by default -- and isn't the db created from scratch for each 'manage 
test' invocation?)

This is how I did it:

def _vacuum():
    # Some unit test queries seem to take a much longer time.
    # Let's try vacuuming.
    with connection.cursor() as cursor:"Vacuum: begin")
        cursor.execute("VACUUM ANALYZE")"Vacuum: complete")

class VacuumMixin:
    def setUpClass(cls):
        return super().setUpClass()

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        ret = super().tearDownClass()
        return ret

If anyone else sees this, please let me know.  Maybe we can further RCA it.

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