Dear Team,

I am using django-ajax-datatable and I have this:
[image: image.png]

The *Edit *button is added from server side as follow:
def customize_row(self, row, obj):
row['edit'] = """
<a href="#" class="btn btn-success btn-edit"
onclick="var id=this.closest('tr').id.substr(4); alert('Editing Input
number: ' + id); return false;">

the table itself is rendered to html from:

<script language="javascript">

$(document).ready(function() {
"{% url 'ajax_datatable_membership' %}",
// extra_options (example)
processing: true,
autoWidth: false,
full_row_select: true,
scrollX: false
}, {
// extra_data




when you click the edit button there is an alert showing the ID of the

Then, from the code above, what can I do such that when I click on the
*Edit* button the new window of the clicked ID is showing out so that I can
edit the record?

Thank you for the help


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