I thought I'd post a little update, as I'm fairly happy with my progress:

Here's the repo's readme. I haven't actually pushed the package to pypi so 
don't try to follow the instructions yet, but any feedback on the README's 
content is very welcome: 
https://github.com/nicois/nango/blob/develop/README.md . Hopefully in the 
next couple of days I'll push the package to pypi so anyone who's 
interested can make sure it works as advertised.

But still I wonder if client-side validation and feedback should be 
> optional? That is, if I had to do this myself, I'd hope to find a solution 
> first that works 100 % without client-side effects. This would also help a 
> lot with correctness and testing. Then I'd put all eye candy on top, but 
> keeping it strictly optional.

The client-side validation is latent in this release. That is, there is 
some code which will provide client-side validation with websockets, but it 
is disabled unless explicitly enabled in settings.py. I've put in the 
beginnings of some automated tests, which I can expand as I proceed. I 
agree that the server-side data integrity is more important, lower risk and 
easier to test.

> > There are only two ways I can see of to achieve this: use a full-blown 
> "rowversion" CAS pattern, where there is a dedicated monotonic column on 
> each table which automatically increases with each update, or the method I 
> propose/use, where the original form values are provided via the user agent 
> when the form is POSTed. 
> Then this would have to be temper-proof, wouldn't it? 
> (e.g. using https://itsdangerous.palletsprojects.com )

No, the (current) intention is not to make this tamper-proof. If you think 
about it, there is no value from trying to protect against an authenticated 
and authorised user who wants to submit incorrect values. While there could 
be HMACs etc, I don't see any value at all, as a malicious user does not 
need to tamper with the original values to submit bad data.

> It might even be possible to serialize the entire state of the object into 
> a single hidden field and sign it on GET, then check the signature and 
> deserialize on POST. Or maybe, depending on the exact requirements, even 
> the checksum of the old state would be enough in order to detect that 
> something changed between the old version of the model (as it was when the 
> user started editing it) and the current version (at the time the POST 
> request arrives). This would roughly correspond to a version number without 
> requiring an explicit field on the model.
Remember also that there is little to no value in checking that fields on 
the model have changed, if those fields are not shown on the model: firstly 
because the form will not update those fields in the database, and secondly 
because if only those "invisible" fields change, the end-user would see the 
same thing on the form, and would not alter their behaviour. 

The value here is in showing a user that one of the fields they are in the 
process of editing has changed while they have had the form open, and 
ensuring that they do not accidentally clobber someone else's changes.

Thanks for your feedback so far. 

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