Self answer: After commenting out the urls in of the app in 
question, it worked normally.

2022년 3월 6일 일요일 오후 4시 41분 59초 UTC+9에 Emmanuel Lee님이 작성:

> Thanks for answering my question.  Below is my
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> from django.urls import path, include, re_path
> from drf_yasg.views import get_schema_view
> from drf_yasg import openapi
> from django.conf import settings
> from rest_framework.permissions import AllowAny
> from rest_framework import routers, permissions
> schema_view = get_schema_view(
>     openapi.Info(
>         title="project Title", 
>         default_version='v1',
>         description="",
>         terms_of_service="";,
>         contact=openapi.Contact(email=""),
>         license=openapi.License(name=""),
>     ),
>     validators=['flex'],
>     public=True,
>     permission_classes=(AllowAny,)
> )
> urlpatterns = [
>     path(r'swagger(?P<format>\.json|\.yaml)', 
> schema_view.without_ui(cache_timeout=0), name='schema-json'),
>     path(r'swagger', schema_view.with_ui('swagger', cache_timeout=0), 
> name='schema-swagger-ui'),
>     path(r'redoc', schema_view.with_ui('redoc', cache_timeout=0), 
> name='schema-redoc-v1'),
>     # django app
> ]
> 2022년 3월 5일 토요일 오후 3시 25분 50초 UTC+9에 adigun...@gmail.com님이 작성:
>> You may need to show your to see what you are doing.
>> On Friday, March 4, 2022 at 3:04:46 PM UTC+1 wrote:
>>> hi everyone,
>>> After installing Django 4.0 and configuring swagger, 'TypeError: 'set' 
>>> object is not reversible' occurs. Is it possible that Django 4.0 can't use 
>>> swagger?
>>> error image 
>>> [image: z7jfF.png]

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