
I have a similar requirement from my project and heres what I did. 

1. First you need to create a permissions.py file which contains a class 

Here is a sample code snippet.

class UpdateOwnPost(permissions.BasePermission):
"""Allow user to edit their own project"""
def has_object_permission(self, request, view, obj):
    """If method belongs to SAFE METHODS like GET or PATCH always return 
True which allows the permission
    if request.method in permissions.SAFE_METHODS:
       return True
   """Here is when you do the filtering on your object model"""
    return obj.user.id == request.user.id

2. Then on your views.py file use that permission class on the 
*permission_classes* on your *Viewset*.

class PostViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
  """Post viewset"""
  authentication_classes = (TokenAuthentication,)
  serializer_class = serializers.ProjectSerializer

  permission_classes = ( 

Hope this helps.

On Thursday, 7 April 2022 at 20:20:31 UTC+8 phans...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hello everybody Please kindly help me out for my Django project I try to 
> update the post from the specific admin but even i'm not belong to that 
> post but  i'm still can update that post so the point is I want to allow 
> user can only update the post who belong to that post I meant who own that 
> post .

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