
I'm fairly new to Django. Here's what I need insight on:

Local server, no issue.

On production: CSRF 403 error on login.

        There's a cookie loaded on the login page containing csrftoken: 

        (Local and Session storage are empty)

        In the FORM element:

        <input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" 

Notice they don't match.

I tried running ./migrate.py clearsessions.

Once, yesterday, it seemed that the error did not occur in an Incognito Window, 
but today it persists even in an incognito window, as well as a different 

One additional piece of information, I have allauth installed, but it doesn't 
seem to be correctly configured. It's login page is not loading. 

Additionally, the problem was there even when I removed allauth from Apps and 
Authentication Backends.

Thanks much.


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