Hey!  Am having a problem. And l request for your Help.

Am having 3 apps in Django project
- action
- adventure
- others

#action/ models.py

class Action(models.Model):
    os= models.Charfield( choices=OS)....


class Adventure(models.Model):
     os= models.Charfield( choices=OS)....


from itertools import chain

from action.models import Action

from adventure.models import Adventure

def windows_games(request):

    win_action = Action.objects.filter(os='windows')

    win_adventure = Adventure.objects.filter(os='windows')
    combined_list = list(chain(win_action,win_adventure))

    context = ['combined_list':combined_list,]

         return render(request, 'others/os/windows_game.html' , context)


<div class="container">
 <img src="{{combined_list.game_pic}}">

1). I need to correct me in #others/ views.py  if there is any mistake done.

2). I would like to know how to know how to write the tag that outputs the
results in #others/os/windows_game.html because I tried that but outputs
And l would like to be in form of,
#{{combined_list.game_pic}}, etc

Please help me.
I'm Samuel

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