when i am running the test its storing the inner functional data to main db 
not test db why ?

On Monday, January 9, 2023 at 2:32:20 PM UTC+5:30 sencer...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> I try to get coverage reports using a simple django model.
> Unit test for model was written but report says there are missing 
> statements.
> *The model:*
> from django.db import models
> from model_utils import FieldTracker
> from generics.base_model import BaseModelMixin
> class AModel(BaseModelMixin):
>     record_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
>     tracker = FieldTracker()
>     class Meta(BaseModelMixin.Meta):
>         db_table = 'a_model_records'
>     def __str__(self):
>         record_name = self.record_name
>         if record_name is None:
>             record_name = "N/A"
>         return record_name
> *The unit test:*
> class TestAModel(TestCase):
>     def setUp(self):
>         super().setUp()
>     def test_allowed_domain_model(self):
>         record_name = "some name"
>         is_active = True
>         user = User.objects.first()
>         record = AModel.objects.create(
>             record_name=record_name,
>             is_active=is_active,
>             created_by_id=user.id,
>         )
> self.assertEqual(str(record), record_name)
> self.assertEqual(record.name, record_name)
> self.assertEqual(record.is_active, is_active)
> *The command line code I run:*
> source activate
> set -a
> source local.env
> set +a
> coverage run --source="unit_test_app" --rcfile=.coveragerc 
> project/manage.py test -v 2
> coverage report
> coverage html
> *The coverage configuration is like this:*
> [run]
> omit=
>     */migrations/*
>     */tests/*
>     */manage.py
>     */apps.py
>     */settings.py
>     */urls.py
>     */filters.py
>     */serializers.py
>     */generics/*
> [report]
> show_missing = true
> *Coverage result shows 1 missing:*
> [image: image.png]
> This is the simplest example.
> There are many ignored functions by coverage which descends percentage 
> average, but actually covered by unit tests.
> Why does coverage act like this?
> Kind regards,
> Sencer HAMARAT

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