
the library is getting very close to being actually usable in real

There were several changes in the last few days.  It is now possible

1. use language codes in methods that until now accepted only language

2. create query sets with default language set, so that the following
   tests pass:

   >>> c_en = Category.objects.all().for_language('en')
   >>> c_pl = Category.objects.all().for_language('pl')
   >>> c_en.get(name__contains='1').name
   'category 1'
   >>> c_pl.get(name__contains='1').name
   'kategoria 1'

   >>> [c.name for c in  c_en.order_by('name')]
   ['category 2', 'category 1']
   >>> [c.name for c in c_pl.order_by('-name')]
   ['kategoria 2', 'kategoria 1']

   Objects created using such a queryset also have a default language

   >>> c = c_en.get(id=1)
   >>> c.name = 'test'
   >>> (c.name, c.name_en, c.name_pl)
   ('test', 'test', 'kategoria 1')

   >>> c = c_pl.get(id=1)
   >>> c.name = 'test'
   >>> (c.name, c.name_en, c.name_pl)
   ('test', 'category 1', 'test')

3. order the admin list view according to the value of translatable
   column; this requires a small and generic patch to Django, see

   You can still use the library without any changes to Django source,
   the only difference will be that translatable columns will not be
   sortable.  I hope the patch will be included, though, because there
   are more use cases for the patch than django-multilingual :)

4. use the translatable fields to create filters spanning multiple
   tables, like `somemodel.filter(category__name__contains='2')`,

5. assign directly to translatable fields in different language
   versions.  These two have the same effect:

   c.set_name('category name', 'en')
   c.name_en = 'category name'

The last big piece missing is a better inline editor for translated
content.  Right now it is still a hack that works correctly mostly for
instances created by the admin interface.  I hope to have this working


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