Below is the SQL the query,

It seems to do the correct OR for the where clauses, and yet still
uses an INNER JOIN when that type of join is inappropriate for this
particular query. Is this a known problem? Did I write the queries


SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT("auth_user"."id"))
FROM "auth_user"

INNER JOIN "program_registrationprofile" AS
      ON "auth_user"."id" =
INNER JOIN "program_satprepreginfo" AS "auth_user__satprepreginfo"
      ON "auth_user"."id" = "auth_user__satprepreginfo"."user_id"
     ("auth_user__registrationprofile"."program_id" = 6 AND
"auth_user__registrationprofile"."student_info_id" IS NOT NULL)

     "auth_user__satprepreginfo"."program_id" = 6


On Feb 3, 6:46 pm, "Mike Axiak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I'm using Django release (currently 0.95.0, waiting for etch to move
> to 0.95.1) with some patches (lazyuser patch comes to mind) on an
> internal development.
> The question is, I was trying to do some Q object combinations and was
> met with some weird results:
> y =  Q(satprepreginfo__program = program)
> z = Q(registrationprofile__program = program) & \
>        Q(registrationprofile__student_info__isnull = False)
> This is my result:
>       In [27]: User.objects.filter(y | z).filter(username = 'mlopes')
>       Out[27]: []
>       In [28]: User.objects.filter(y).filter(username = 'mlopes')
>       Out[28]: [<User: mlopes>]
> Note that
>       In [24]: User.objects.filter(y|z).distinct().count()
>       Out[24]: 194L
>       In [25]: User.objects.filter(y).distinct().count()
>       Out[25]: 198L
> So I am getting something as a result, but I just chose to filter one
> user that has an interesting property.
> Question: Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug/feature/expected
> behavior?
> Any help would be appreciated.

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