> I now want to take an existing user record and create an edit account
> form, where the data entered by the user in the registration form is
> represented and available to edit. Seemed simple when I set out to do
> it, but I can't seem to populate the form.

It's pretty easy. You provide a page with the edit link and you create
a user_edit view or whatever.

Now in that view you simply check if the user is authenticated and
then get his id.

> Should I define which data goes into the form fields using the
> 'initial' data in the Form definition? If so, how would I do this,
> because I don't know the user_id and can't place a -
> userid=request.user.id request in this definition.

I don't really understand why you can't but you don't need the ID
because the authenticated user is already in request.user attribute

Anyway the pattern is:

def profile_edit(request):
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        # blah blah

    if request.method == "POST":
        new_data = request.POST.copy()

        form = UserEditForm(new_data)
        if form.is_valid():
            clean_data = form.clean_data
            # blah blah
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/whatever/")
        data = _get_user_data(request)
        form = UserEditForm(initial=data)

    context = Context({'form': form})
    return render_to_response('blahblah/account.html', context)

In this way when the page is accesed with a GET you call
_get_user_data() to retrieve the data to put in the form otherwise you
check for errors and validate.

In _get_user_data() you actually populate the dictionary with
something like this:

def _get_customer_profile_data(request):
    first_name = request.user.first_name
    last_name = request.user.last_name
    # go on with the other fields

    # if you have a profile associated
    user_profile = request.user.get_profile()
    whatever = user_profile.whatever
    del user_profile
    return locals()


Lawrence, oluyede.org - neropercaso.it
"It is difficult to get a man to understand
something when his salary depends on not
understanding it" - Upton Sinclair

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