For an app I've been assembling, I need to filter a particular
data-set based on multiple many-to-many criteria where the
criteria span multiple records in the far participant of the M2M.
 The basics are the recordset (Items) and each Item has a M2M
relationship with Properties (a key/value pair)

class Property(model):
        name = CharField(...)
        value = CharField(...)

class Item(model:
        properties = ManyToMany(Property)

I want to filter my list of items for items that have two
different properties.   In SQL, it would look something like

FROM x_item
 x_id IN (
        SELECT ip.item_id
                x_item_property ip
                INNER JOIN x_property p
                ON ip.property_id =
       = 'foo'
                and p.value = 'bar'
 x_id IN (
        SELECT ip.item_id
                x_item_property ip
                INNER JOIN x_property p
                ON ip.property_id =
       = 'baz'
                and p.value = 'bip'

This query returns all the items that have both "foo=bar" and
"baz=bip" from their associated property lists.  This is
different than just filtering the M2M relationship based on the
select_related() because once you've filtered for those items
that have "foo=bar", you've eliminated all rows in which
"baz=bip" and thus filtering by that again would return an empty

However, I'm having trouble getting Django to do all the work on
the server side.  I've got a workaround in place where I do

items = models.Items.objects
properties = models.Items.objects.select_related(
item_ids = [ for item in items] # XXX
items = items.filter(id__in = item_ids)
properties = models.Items.objects.select_related(
item_ids = [ for item in items] # XXX
items = items.filter(id__in = item_ids)
# do something with items

While this works (this is some pseudo-code in the email, but
should give you the idea of what's going on, even if there are a
couple syntax errors), it pulls back the data-sets for the
properties (in the XXX lines), building potentially huge lists on
the Django side (rather than the DB side) and then shipping those
huge lists back to the server as the clause to an IN query.  I've
already experienced some problems with sluggish behavior and this
is a only a medium-sized record-set (about 800 IDs coming back
per sub-query).  Live data will actually have some that bring
back thousands upon thousands.

Ideally, I'd have some way of doing something like

items = models.Items.objects
properties = models.Items.objects.select_related(
items = items.filter(id__in = properties)
properties = models.Items.objects.select_related(
items = items.filter(id__in = properties)
# do something with items

This would allow for lazy evaluation of a single query, doing all
the filtering on the DB side rather than shipping huge quantities
of data over the connection 3x.

However, when I tried the above, the "= properties" clause
expanded as a string (perhaps as a repr() of bits of the data),
not as the full SELECT query, and produced bogus SQL which the
server promptly complained about.

Any hints on how to go about this and make the server do all the
work?  Push come to shove, I can monkey with an .extra() call and
put the SQL in the WHERE clause by hand, but it would be
nice/legible/understandable to use pure Django.



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