I want to change where a user redirects after an add.  For instance,
here I want to add a tag to a course and return to that course
record.  The URL in this example is horrendous but the code works.  Is
there a better way?

#from url.py:
urlpatterns = patterns('',
P<model_name>coursetagassignment)/add/(?P<post_url>.*)$' ,

#from myview.py:
import django.contrib.admin.views.main
def add_stage_with_post_url(request, app_label, model_name,
    return django.contrib.admin.views.main.add_stage(request,
app_label, model_name, post_url='/%s' % (post_url,))

#from the template:
<a href="/admin/course/coursetagassignment/add/admin/course/course/
{{ object_id }}/?course_id={{ object_id }}" class="add-another"

David S.

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