>> I haven't yet figured out a way to suppress the order_by portion,
>> so what's currently in there is an ugly hack.  But it would need
>> to prevent the standard methods from inserting an ORDER BY clause
>> against a non-aggregated field.
> if you add an empty call (no parameters) to order_by(), it will drop
> the ORDER BY clause

I thought I had tried this.  I'll have to give it another whack
on Monday when I get back from PyCon.  I had problems with it
trying to order the resultset by the Meta.ordering properties,
when those fields weren't part of the aggregate.  I'll try it
again to see if I did something wrong or if I unearthed a bug.

> I have another proposition, how about:
>>>> quseryset = Model.objects.all()
>>>> queryset.aggregate( ( 'name', 'city' ), sum=( 'pay',
> 'some_other_field' ), avg=( 'pay', 'age' ), count=True )

I like this calling interface as an alternate method for its
fine-tuned control, but there are times it would be nice to not
have to have such tight coupling between the model and the
aggregation.  Otherwise, a change in the model requires not only
a change in the template to make use of the results, but in the
view (to request various aggregate functions) to add the desired
aggregation functions.

>>>> [
>   {
>     'name' : 'some name',
>     'city' : 'Prague',
>     'sum' : { 'pay' : 30000, 'some_other_field' : 10000 },
>     'avg' : { 'pay' : 10000, 'age' : 30 },
>     'count' : 5,
>   },
>   ......
> ]

As long as the resulting data can be easily accessed directly by
a template, any number of resulting formats would work just fine.
 I'd see using it something like

return render_to_response(
        'test.html', {'items': Model.objects.all()}

and then within the template refer to

        {% for item in items %}
                <tr><td>{{ item.pay }}</td></tr>
        {% endfor %}
                <tr><td>{{ items.aggregate.sum.pay }}</td></tr>

or possibly

items = Model.objects.all()
return render_to_response('test.html', {
        'items': items,
        'stats': items.aggregate(),

and then within the template refer to

        {% for item in items %}
                <tr><td>{{ item.pay }}</td></tr>
        {% endfor %}
                <tr><td>{{ stats.sum.pay }}</td></tr>

> it seems reasonably clean interface to me:
> fist argument is a tuple of fields on which to call GROUP BY, then
> there are several optional kwargs: avg, sum, min, max and count
> I am willing to code up a patch for this, it should be pretty
> straightforward. If we would want to take it to the next level, we
> could allow filter() on such aggregated queryset, that would manifest
> itself in the HAVING clause...
> what do you think??

I like the ideas you present, particularly your clean interface
for the aggregated results ("results.sum.fieldname" rather than
my munged "results.fieldname_sum") and the clean interface for
specific aggregation.  However, as stated above, I am hesitant to
give up the simplicity of just asking for "aggregate everything
possible" to prevent tight coupling.  Both sound good to me ("but
I want both specific *and* generic" :)

Feel free to swipe any of the code I provided for any patches you

I think it will be a valuable addition as evaluation can be made
lazy (thus, it has no great impact on existing code), and I've
seen it requested several times in the Django-Users ML archives
where the answer was "Django doesn't do that, but you can drop to
hand-rolled SQL to do it for you."  I think it would help the
folks that don't think in SQL.

Just my musings...I appreciate your feedback.


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