Cheers, thanks a lot Scott, you were right and i resolved ^^

I post, maybe someone could find it useful.
In my view i used the base64 library.

import md5, base64
                key =
                key = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key)
                validation.md5_key = key

The URL is

the final '+==' make it works, as any key generated this way ends with
2 equal signs.

On 27 Feb, 17:11, "ScottB" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Giuseppe.
> > As i said, i need to pass in my URL a <code> variable, wich is the
> > result of a md5 digest.
> > (no private information... only a validation key).
> > Obviously i tried with
> > (r'^users/activate_user/(?P<code>)/', 'views.register'),
> > (r'^users/activate_user/(?P<code>[a-zA-Z0-9%\-]+=)/',
> > 'views.register'),
> > but it doesn't work: Django always return 404.
> It works for me if the code ends with a single equals sign.
> e.g.http://localhost/users/activate_user/abc123=/
> If you're stuck, maybe you could post a couple of example urls that
> give you 404 errors.
> Scott

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