On Mar 1, 12:53 pm, "Honza Král" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > 1. Is there an easy way to get the new object created by form.save()?
> obj = form.save()

Thanks, I finally saw that after perusing the django source code.

> > 2. Is is true that one should not call form.save() if the form was
> > instantiated from a class resulting from form_for_instance()?
> no, this is not true, if it were the case, why would the method be there?

I agree with you; however, I was referencing the user "chasfs" who
commented in:



"and finally, if you are using form_for_instance, to update an
instance, you can't use the form.save - instead try something like
  form = forms.form_for_instance(obj,
    if form.is_valid():
      for i in form.clean_data:
        obj.__setattr__(i, form.clean_data[i])
      return HttpResponseRedirect(...)"

Thanks for your assistance Honza!

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