I would love to tackle this issue, since it is to my advantage, but
really don't know where to start.  Any ideas?


On Mar 1, 10:59 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 20:17 -0800, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> [...]
> I wrote:
> > > > I'm wondering if this may lead to race conditions along the lines of:
> > > >         thread A creates a session
> > > >                         thread B creates a session
> > > >         thread A stores "foo = 6" in session
> > > >                         thread B stores "blah = 1" in its session
> > > >         thread A stores session (which contains foo=6)
> > > >                         thread B stores session (which does NOT have 
> > > > foo=6)
> > > > might be happening if you are doing lots of partial updates.
> > This doesn't make sense.
> Actually it makes a lot of sense now that I look at the code.
> > Normally the way sessions work, a second
> > request is usually locked out until the first request has finished
> > with the session object and released it. Thus there can be no
> > overlapping changes unless you are doing silly things like unlocking/
> > locking them yourself during a request. At least this is how
> > mod_python sessions work. How Django sessions (which don't actually
> > use mod_python sessions) work I don't know.
> Just to keep things on the right track for debugging Set's problem, I'll
> note that this isn't correct for Django sessions. As can be seen from
> the code in django/contrib/sessions/middleware.py and models.py, we
> don't do any cross-thread or cross-process locking when creating a
> session instance. Maybe we well should be doing something like that for
> people who want to do simultaneous updates -- as might happen in an AJAX
> driven site -- but, right now, we do not.
> A lot of Django enhancements like this are historically driven by usage
> patterns: the whole framework was written for one -- fairly broad --
> purpose and is gradually and carefully extended to handle other
> reasonable uses as they come up. This would be a good mini-project for
> somebody to look at doing if they felt so inclined. A bit of design work
> would be required, not just a one-line patch, I supsect, but it's not
> going to be of the "cure cancer" level of difficulty.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

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