Hi all,

I've been trawling through django code and i'm beginning to hit a
brick wall on this one. I want to create a view to edit and create a
bunch of objects. Edit those which exist and (optionally) add those
that don't.

I have for the purposes of this discussion, four classes, Project,
Group, ChecklistItem and Task.

The idea is that every Group has a checlist (a bunch of ChecklistItems
with a foreign key of their Group) which they must fulfill for every
Project. The Task table is used to actually track which items on which
checklist have been completed for which projecct. So the Task object
has foreign keys for ChecklistItem and a Project and a boolean
"completed" field.

I want to be able to present a view for a specific group and a
specific project that will show them and allow them to edit all of the
items on their checklist for that project. In other words, for every
ChecklistItem associated with that Group, if there is a Task object
related to that ChecklistItem and the specified Project, populate the
completed field appropriately - if there is not, provide a form with
the checklistitem id and project id filled in and add the new item on

My problem stems from the fact that all of the django code i can see
(version 0.9.5 - i can't upgrade to svn atm) provides nice shortcuts
for editing a single object. The only code for editing multiple
objects is for related objects edited inline. What i need is something
*very* similar to this but not just for related objects - for *any*

I'm particularly confused by the index of fields get populated by
django. So how it gets <relatedfieldname>.<index>.<fieldname> as the
name of the input html field. The magic must be with the
FormFieldCollection class, which takes an index as an input to
__init__ but then appears simply to save it. I can't see how it's used
then after that?

When saving, the magic of de-mangling appears to be taken care of by
the DotExpandedDict class which i can follow. I'm hoping if i can work
out the magic of mangling the field names, i might be able to create a
generic view for editing/creating multiple objects (preferably of any
type) by using <modelname>.<index>.<fieldname> as the name of the
input html field.

I feel this would be useful for django developers. Any help or hints
would be greatly appreciated and if anyone can explain the current
"index" naming scheme creation in particular i'd be grateful. Please
cc me in replies.



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