On 3/17/07, rubdabadub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. How about deployment? Capistrano works with django i mean you can
> make so called recipe but is there anything like that in python
> world..

I don't know of a direct analogue off the top of my head, but at work
we've actually been using Capistrano -- our sysadmin wrote a couple
recipes that let us deploy and manage across all our servers, and
that's been easier than rolling our own stuff.

> 2. How about "consuming XML" i didn't find much docs about it. I would
> like to edit OPML files via the django-admin. My apps has some
> database stuff but mostly I am playing 90% of the time with XML files
> and 10% with a db.

Generally you'd use one of the available XML libraries for Python;
there are a number of good ones out there which can deal with XML of
varying quality.

> 3. There are plenty of python programs out there that is off my
> interest is there any "blog post" or anything that could guide me how
> to djangofiy these scripts/apps. * Probably a dumb question due to
> lack of python knowledge *

There's a page on the wiki with links to lots of tutorials on specific
things; it might be a good start point:


There's also a list of more general resources, including third-party
documentation and applications with code you can look at:


> 4. What about migrations i.e Schema Evolution is it in the trunk?

No. For the moment you need to write your own SQL to alter your database tables.

> 5. Can I hook on to django SVN for production servers? is it a good
> idea or should I go with released version?

Trunk is pretty good; we're narrowing in on a release, actually, and
once it's out we'll be recommending that people go with that, since
there will be a few changes going on in trunk for a little while

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