On Mar 23, 6:47 pm, "benrawk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you again for helping. FYI, I am using Fedora Core 6. I set
> 'PythonHandlermod_python.testhandler' in httpd.conf and got a bunch
> of info. The sys.path appears to be correct...relevant bits, and then
> full text beneath.
> sys.path containes /home/benrawk

What is the full path to the directory that Django admin project
created. Is it:


What is the output of running:

  ls -las

inside of that directory. Are all the files in that directory readable
to others.

> REQUEST_URI     /mysite/
> SCRIPT_NAME     /mysite
> PATH_INFO       /
> PATH_TRANSLATED /var/www/html/index.html
> ***Is this Path being translated correctly?***

That is normal in this case. Because the request was against the
directory Apache tried applying targets listed in DirectoryIndex
directive and first one listed was probably 'index.html'.

> DOCUMENT_ROOT   /var/www/html
> SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/html/mysite
> ***There is no "mysite" script under the Document root, is this being
> interpreted correctly?***

Nothing to worry about, just part of Apache's strange URL matching
algorithm which is made somewhat more confusing by presence of


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