I came up with a general solution for PyCon (http://us.pycon.org/

The source code is here:
https://svn.python.org/conference/django/trunk/pycon/urls.py   (for
the dev server to serve up the static files)

There are two minor bugs which need fixing, but it gets the job done.

Just put your files in proj/myapp/media/

by default it will look in:
ettings.MEDIA_URL + appname + '/'

If they are served up in a custom location on the production server,
in the settings file set the app media root:
<APPNAME>_MEDIA_PREFIX = "url" # APPNAME is uppercase

Example use in templates:

{% load appmedia %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% app_media_prefix "schedule"

Hope that helps!


On Mar 29, 1:37 am, Michael Lake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> Im trying Michael's suggestion quoted below for a custom tag but it's not 
> working so
> I have tried a very very minimal one and it's not working either.
> In app/templatetags/template_extensions.py I have
>    from django.template import Library
>    register = Library()
>    def mytag():
>       return 'This is my tag.'
>    mytag = register.simple_tag(mytag)
> Im my html file I have {% load template_extensions  %}
> and I have
>     MyTag is {{ mytag }} end.
> But I get MyTag is end.
> i.e. nothing show.
> The template_extensions.py is being loaded cause if I make a deliberate 
> syntax error
> in there I get a error message.
> I can see 
> fromhttp://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/contrib/adm...
> how this is done and its so simple so I can't see whats wrong.
> How can I track down the error?
> Michael wrote:
> > In the mean-time, another method which seems to be used by the admin
> > interface is to create your own template tag (using simple_tag).
> > If you take a look at the template tag used by the admin interface to
> > create the {{ admin_media_prefix }} tag, it might give you some tips:
> > For your issue, I think you could copy and modify the code from /
> > django_src/django/contrib/admin/templatetags/adminmedia.py to :
> > from django.template import Library
> > register = Library()
> > def url_root():
> >     """
> >     Returns the string for the root URL depending on the DEBUG
> > setting.
> >     """
> >     try:
> >         from django.conf import settings
> >     except ImportError:
> >         return ''
> >     if settings.DEBUG:
> >       return settings.URL_ROOT_DEBUG
> >     else:
> >       return settings.URL_ROOT
> > url_root() = register.simple_tag(url_root)
> > then your templates should just be able to use {{url_root}}.
> Mike
> --
> Michael Lake

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