Hi Michael,

On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 22:42 -0400, Michael F. Robbins wrote:
> I have a model with two DateTimeFields, named start and end.  As Python
> datetime objects, I'd like to ensure that (start < end) for all valid
> instances of this model.  What's the right way to enforce this
> invariant?
> I tried making a custom Validator object and adding it to
> start.validator_list, and then trying to enter an invalid pair of
> datetimes in the admin interface, but the problem seems to be that the
> actual representation in the all_data parameter is divided between
> "start_date" and "start_time" (and "end_date" and "end_time").  These
> are simply the form element names, and the all_data dictionary contains
> the raw strings inputted from the form.  
> Two reasons why I don't like this:
>      1. I really don't think that this is the right place to be putting
>         this validator, as I want the normal DateTimeField validators to
>         run too, and I don't want to have to duplicate their work.  (I
>         even appended mine to the end of validator_list, but it seems to
>         get caught anyway.)
>      2. I also don't want to have to be cleaning up the user's mess with
>         strings and just want to be operating on two (Python) datetime
>         objects.

The "problem" here is that validators run before the data input is
converted to Python objects. This is partially so that a validator has a
chance to detect that the conversion to Python cannot possibly work.

Something we are wanting to add in the future is model-aware validation.
This isn't an amazingly well specified concept (aside from giving that
portion of the validation process access to the current model instance,
which you cannot easily do with validators), but one thing it might be
able to do is also enforce constraint-based requirements like this. We
have quite a lot of other things going on at the moment, so right now
isn't the time to be starting a developers discussion about model-aware
validation, but it's definitely on my list (and a few other developers',
I suspect) for talking about and completing before 1.0, if we possibly

> My "big stick" solution is just to override the save() method of the
> model, and to have it swap the start and end fields.

A conceptual problem with this approach is that it's doing validation in
the wrong place. Validation and saving are intentionally separated in
Django. The idea is that if you have any validation failure, you can go
back to the data supplier and get more information. Saving should
*never* raise a validation problem. We cannot avoid errors entirely,
because database integrity errors may be thrown (another process,
completely unrelated to Django may have put data in the database that
caused the problem before we saved), however, in most cases, saving is a
"safe" operation.

So, the short summary answer would be: at the moment, you have to mess
around with the string versions or else "silently" fix the errors in
save(). We are aware of this limitation, though, and it is something we
want to fix.


>   I'm sure this
> approach can be made to work (neglecting the start==end case), but
> wanted to see in general if there was a more general way to enforce
> model invariants, particularly if it's something where real user
> interaction is needed to correct it.
> Best,
> Mike
> > 

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