On Feb 19, 10:18 pm, "Justin Findlay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 25, 1:16 pm, "canen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Answering my own question:
> Thanks for the example!

I created another, but it uses initial data, and an object
representing the info.

class Postal(object):
    def __init__(self, line1='', line2='', line3='', code=''):
        self.line1 = line1
        self.line2 = line2
        self.line3 = line3
        self.code = code

class PostalWidget(django.newforms.widgets.MultiWidget):
    def __init__(self, attrs=None):
        widgets = (django.newforms.widgets.TextInput(),

        super(PostalWidget, self).__init__(widgets, attrs=attrs)

    def decompress(self, value):
        if value:
            return [value.line1, value.line2, value.line3, value.code]
        return [None, None, None, None]

class PostalField(django.newforms.fields.MultiValueField):
    widget = PostalWidget
    def __init__(self, required=True, widget=None, label=None,
        fields = (django.newforms.fields.CharField(),
        super(PostalField, self).__init__(fields=fields,
widget=widget, label=label, initial=initial)

    def compress(self, data_list):
        if data_list:
            return Postal(data_list[0], data_list[1], data_list[2],
        return None

class EnrolmentForm(django.newforms.Form):
    name = django.newforms.fields.CharField(label='Name')
    surname = django.newforms.fields.CharField(label='Surname')
    postalField = PostalField()

data= {'name':'piet', 'surname':'plesier', 'postalField_0' : 'cs',
'postalField_1' : 'pretoria', 'postalField_2' :
'Hatfield' ,'postalField_3' : '0084'}
#initial= {'name':'piet', 'surname':'plesier', 'postalField' :
initial= {'name':'piet', 'surname':'plesier'}

f = EnrolmentForm(initial=initial)
print f.as_p()
f = EnrolmentForm(data=data)
print f.is_valid()
print f.errors
print f.clean_data
> > The widget can be declared as part of the field, e.g.
> > # Field
> > class MoneyField(MultiValueField):
> >     def __init__(self, currency=(), amount=(), required=True,
> > widget=None, label=None, initial=None):
> >         widget  = widget or MoneyWidget(currency=currency,
> > amount=amount)
> > .....
> Canen, do you have the time to work out a full example?  After much
> trying I'm still not able to repeat the example without having to use
> the double tuple values.
> Justin

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