Wouldn't that just be the same thing, except 4 copies of them exist in
appurls.py instead of urls.py?

My urls.py is in my source control tree, because there are so many of
them, we each pull it down.  I know we could take it out of source
control and hand change it each time to have /dev1 or /dev2 (which we
may have to do since you can't have more than 255 anyway), but that is
going to get old quick, so I was hoping there was a way to tell it to
append from a setting or something...

On Apr 20, 10:53 am, Oliver Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yea, there is a way. If you take all your url out, and move them into an
> appurls.py file or something,
> you can include this from the main urlpatterns. E.g:
>     urlpatterns = ('', ('^yourprefixhere/',
> include('pythonpathtoproject.appurls'))
> I think that should work - there might be other ways though.
> --
> Ollie
> > Ok...that fixed that problem...
> > Is there any better way to handle the urls.py file though...than
> > putting different versions of each url?  I currently have about 100
> > urls...and I'm going to have to put 4 versions in for each..seems like
> > there should be an easer way to append something to the front of each
> > based on a setting...
> > sitename/something
> > dev1/sitename/something
> > dev2/sitename/something
> > etc..
> > On Apr 20, 6:47 am, Graham Dumpleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >> You need to set PythonInterpreter directive in each Location container
> >> directive with a different value in each case. This is so that each
> >> Django instance runs in its own Python sub interpreter. You should
> >> also change your settings.py file for each and set SESSION_COOKIE_NAME
> >> to a different value for each so their respective cookies don't
> >> interfere with each other.
> >> Graham
> >> On Apr 20, 4:11 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Also...it seems if I have two instances of this running on the same
> >>> apache server...that one sporadically  looks at the wrong urls.py file
> >>> ( the one for another instance )
> >>> Is it not valid to do the following in the apache conf file?
> >>> <Location "/projectname/">
> >>>     SetHandler python-program
> >>>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> >>>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE rssproject.settings
> >>>     PythonDebug On
> >>>     PythonPath "['/home/somedir/','home/somedir/projectname/'] +
> >>> sys.path"
> >>> </Location>
> >>> <Location "/dev1/projectname/">
> >>>     SetHandler python-program
> >>>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
> >>>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE rssproject.settings
> >>>     PythonDebug On
> >>>     PythonPath "['/home/dev1/','home/dev1/projectname/'] + sys.path"
> >>> </Location>
> >>> On Apr 20, 12:31 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> >>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> I don't think I can convince our network guys to do that... they
> >>>> prefer not to open anymore ports than necessary.
> >>>> On Apr 20, 12:28 am, "Julio Nobrega" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>   You could use different directories (Django projects) under multiple
> >>>>> VirtualServers (different domain names / ports), each one for a
> >>>>> particular developer.
> >>>>> On 4/20/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>>> I'm trying to setup three development directories for different
> >>>>>> programmers, for us each to be able to checkout our project to from
> >>>>>> svn on the same development machine...
> >>>>> --
> >>>>> Julio Nobrega -http://www.inerciasensorial.com.br

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