Turns out it was the "disabled" directive in the form. Weird, as I'm
pretty sure it works on other forms in other applications, but when I
remove it, it works great.

On May 3, 11:36 am, tomass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I realise this is likely something trivial I am missing, and I'm aware
> ofhttp://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/NewbieMistakes...
> However, I have a form that's set up like this:
> <form action="/landscape/logs/daterange/" method="POST">From: <input
> disabled id="date_from" name="date_from" value="04/25/2007" size="10"
> maxlength="12" readonly="readonly" /><img border="0" src="/static/
> images/cal.gif" id="date_from_cal" style="cursor: pointer; vertical-
> align: top !important;" /><script type="text/
> javascript">Calendar.setup({ inputField : "date_from", button :
> "date_from_cal" });</script> To: <input disabled id="date_to"
> name="date_to" value="04/28/2007" size="10" maxlength="12"
> readonly="readonly" /><img border="0" src="/static/images/cal.gif"
> id="date_to_cal" style="cursor: pointer; vertical-align: top !
> important;" /><script type="text/
> javascript">Calendar.setup({ inputField : "date_to", button :
> "date_to_cal" });</script> <input type="submit" value="Update Date
> Range"> (Oldest Log: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:12:26 +2000, Newest Log Fri,
> 27 Apr 2007 10:31:56 +2000)</form>
> my urls.py looks like this:
> urlpatterns += patterns('monitor.zopelog.views',
>     (r'^landscape/logs/$', 'index'),
>     (r'^landscape/logs/(?P<date_from>\d{8})/(?P<date_to>\d{8})/$',
> 'index'),
>     (r'^landscape/logs/daterange/$', 'parsedate'),
> )
> and here's my parsedate function:
> def parsedate(request):
>         date_from = request.POST['date_from']
>         date_from = date_from.split('/')
>         date_to = "%s%s%s" % (date_from[2], date_from[0],
> date_from[1])
>         date_to = request.POST['date_to']
>         date_to = date_to.split('/')
>         date_to = "%s%s%s" % (date_to[2], date_to[0], date_to[1])
>         return HttpResponseRedirect('/landscape/logs/%s/%s/' %
> (date_from, date_to))
> However, when I try to submit data from this form I get:
> "Key 'date_from' not found in <MultiValueDict: {}>"
> Basically telling me there's no post data.
> Can anyone let me know what I'm missing. I have the trailing slash,
> and I've also tried removing the URL altogether and posting to "" and
> then picking up on it there, but no dice...
> Thanks for any help.
> Tom

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