can somebody give me a hint how to subclass a form_for_model class? I
have read ticket 3815, but that doesn't seem to work too well for me. If
I simply subclass the Form, the new fields aren't added if I subclass
with argument form=newforms.Form only the new fields are there (see
below for details)
Any suggestions?

thanks, Sean

In [1]: from django import newforms as forms

In [2]: from polls import models

In [4]: PollForm = forms.form_for_model(models.Poll)

In [6]: class PollFormWithTest(PollForm):
   ...:     test = forms.CharField()

In [7]: testForm=PollFormWithTest()

In [8]: testForm.fields
Out[8]: {'question': <django.newforms.fields.CharField object at
0x100a390>, 'pub_date': <django.newforms.fields.DateTimeField object at

In [9]: testForm.test
Out[9]: <django.newforms.fields.CharField object at 0x100a250>

# Now the recommended way (http://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3815)
In [13]: PollForm2 =forms.form_for_model(models.Poll,form=forms.Form)

In [14]: class PollFormWithTest(PollForm2):
    test = forms.CharField()

In [16]: testForm=PollFormWithTest()

In [17]: testForm.fields
Out[17]: {'test': <django.newforms.fields.CharField object at 0x100a6d0>}

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