Thanks a lot for sharing... This really helped.


> OK. My app is called "karma". The model looks like this:
> from django.db import models
> from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
> import datetime
> class KarmaScoreManager(models.Manager):
>     def vote(self, user_id, content_type, object_id, rating):
>         try:
>              karma =
> self.get(content_type__pk=content_type,object_id=object_id,user__pk=user_id)
>         except self.model.DoesNotExist:
>             karma = self.model(None, user_id=user_id,
> content_type_id=content_type, object_id=object_id, score=rating,
>         else:
>             karma.score = rating
>             karma.scored_date =
>     def get_pretty_score(self, score):
>         """
>         Given a score between -1 and 1 (inclusive), returns the same
> score on a
>         scale between 1 and 10 (inclusive), as an integer.
>         """
>         if score is None:
>             return DEFAULT_KARMA
>         return int(round((4.5 * score) + 5.5))
> class KarmaScore(models.Model):
>     user = models.ForeignKey(User, related_name="karma_user",)
>     content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
>     content_object = models.GenericForeignKey()
>     object_id = models.IntegerField(_('object ID'))
>     score = models.SmallIntegerField(_('score'), db_index=True)
>     scored_date = models.DateTimeField(_('score date'), auto_now=True)
>     objects = KarmaScoreManager()
>     class Meta:
>         verbose_name = _('karma score')
>         verbose_name_plural = _('karma scores')
>     class Admin:
>         list_display = ('user', 'content_type',
> 'object_id','scored_date')
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return _("%(score)d rating by %(user)s") % {'score':
> self.score, 'user': self.user}
> And The view is:
> from django.http import Http404, HttpResponse
> from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
> from django.template import RequestContext
> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
> from gretschpages.karma.models import KarmaScore
> def vote(request, content_type, obj_id, vote, js=""):
>     ctype = ContentType.objects.get(model=content_type)
>     thisObject = ctype.get_object_for_this_type(pk=obj_id)
>     rating = {'up': 1, 'down': -1}.get(vote, False)
>     if not rating:
>         raise Http404, "Invalid vote"
>     if not request.user.is_authenticated():
>         return HttpResponse("Anonymous users cannot vote",
> mimetype="text/html")
>     try:
>         obj = KarmaScore.objects.filter(,
> object_id=obj_id)
>     except:
>         raise Http404, _("Invalid comment ID")
>     if ==
>         return HttpResponse("No voting for yourself", mimetype="text/
> html")
>,, obj_id, rating)
>     if js == "js":
>         return HttpResponse(str(thisObject.get_karma_total()),
> mimetype="text/html")
>     else:
>         return render_to_response('comments/karma_vote_accepted.html',
> {'obj': obj}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
> Then, in the model of the thing you want karma for, you need these
> helper functions:
>         def _fill_karma_cache(self):
>             "Helper function that populates good/bad karma caches"
>             good, bad = 0, 0
>             from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
>             from gretschpages.karma.models import KarmaScore
>             ctype = ContentType.objects.get(model='post')
>             #for k in self.karmascore_set:
>             for k in KarmaScore.objects.filter(,
>                 if k.score == -1:
>                     bad +=1
>                 elif k.score == 1:
>                     good +=1
>             self._karma_total_good, self._karma_total_bad = good, bad
>         def get_good_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             return self._karma_total_good
>         def get_bad_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             return self._karma_total_bad
>         def get_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good") or not
> hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             karma = self._karma_total_good - self._karma_total_bad
>             if karma < 0:
>                 if karma < -3:
>                elif k.score == 1:
>                     good +=1
>             self._karma_total_good, self._karma_total_bad = good, bad
>         def get_good_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             return self._karma_total_good
>         def get_bad_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             return self._karma_total_bad
>         def get_karma_total(self):
>             if not hasattr(self, "_karma_total_good") or not
> hasattr(self, "_karma_total_bad"):
>                 self._fill_karma_cache()
>             karma = self._karma_total_good - self._karma_total_bad
>             if karma < 0:
>                 if karma < -3:
>                    return 'collapsed'
>                 return 0
>             return karma
>         def __str__(self):
>                 return str(
> I'm sure you could abstract out those helpers so they didn't have to
> be in the other model, but I never bothered. Also, you'll see some
> extra code in there you may not need that I use for various other
> thing (like ajax voting, and collapsing things if they're voted down
> too much).
> On May 16, 9:04 am, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to avoid coupling with the model of the content so I am
> > trying it with ContentTypes. Though, yours can be more practical to
> > start with.
> > On 16 Mayıs, 16:54, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > I did... well, sorta semi-standalone. Much like the comments system,
> > > there's a couple of functions that have to be put in the model of the
> > > thing you're doing karma voting on... at least the way I did it.
> > > Wasn't too tough.
> > > On May 16, 6:31 am, omat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > Neat design of the karma scoring application in the comments framework
> > > > of the contributed application is quite appealing. But it is tided to
> > > > the comments application.
> > > > I am trying to isolate it and make a more generic karma application
> > > > for any content (photos, blog entries, etc.) contributed by users.
> > > > I wonder if anybody has already did this or built a standalone
> > > > karmascore application...
> > > > oMat

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