On Wednesday 23 May 2007 01:07:13 Thomas Ashelford wrote:
> Is there any kind soul who could explain what I can do to install 0.96
> without root access?

If you're using Apache, you can include the path to Django in your .htaccess 
file. For example, I have a directory "software" which lives 
alongside "public_html" (aliased to "www") in my account's home directory. In 
there I've svn co'd the latest Django. You could actually have as many Django 
versions in there as you want. In the .htaccess file for a particular 
project, include the path to the Django you want to use for that project:

PythonPath "['/home/[your_home]/software/django', '/home/[your_home]/www'] + 

Remember that the paths have to point to the directory in which each Python 
module lives. So inside the "django" directory there is another "django" 
directory which is the actual module that gets imported.


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