I use this code in quite a few of my programs and never have issues. I
don't know why you are having this problem and it is not throwing any
errors. Are you using the Web interface at all? If so when saving are
there any errors. If the objects aren;t saving to the db generally
Python throughs some erros that can point the to the problem.
The next guess I would tell you is to use the related_name variable to
rename the foreign key so the code doesn't confuse the variables.

Malcolm is right on this one; you need to figure out exactly what is
going on before you submit a bug, because otherwise you are just
wasting the programmers' time trying to reproduce the problem. Let's
exhaust all the other possibilities first and figure out what is going

Hope that helps,

On Jun 1, 3:46 am, Gio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The usual process when you have one version of code that is working and
> > a more complicated version that is not working is to add features to the
> > working version, one at a time, until it stops working. In that way you
> > will be able to narrow down exactly which is the problematic step and
> > then work out, for example, if you do that step first, does it still
> > fail. Tracking down precisely where the problem lies is going to be
> > helpful to anybody trying to fix/understand this problem.
> > Regards,
> > Malcolm
> Yes, but the problem here is already at the level you point to.
> Take my code version and replace
> class PizzaTopping(models.Model):
>     pizza = models.ForeignKey(Pizza, core=True)
> with
> class PizzaTopping(models.Model):
>     pizza = models.ForeignKey(Pizza, edit_inline = models.TABULAR,
> core=True)
> and you will switch from a working version to a crappy one.
> edit_inline = models.STACKED is no better.
> I miss something?
> I would like to add that I think that this "generalized ManyToMany" is
> very useful, shouldn't this be mentioned in the official
> documentation?
> As 42th Model Example?
> I think this is excellent during first phases of Django learning as it
> exposes you directly to the inner functionality of the ManyToMany
> shortcut.
> Let me go even further: what about a new option for ManyToManyField
> letting you declare the amount as seen in our Pizza-Topping example?
> It could be really relevant when using Django for developping web-
> based ERP and similar things.
> Bizarre?
> Giovanni.

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