On Mon, 2007-06-11 at 23:44 -0500, Jeremy Dunck wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Justin Lilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For archival purposes, the reason it wasn't working is I had named one of my
> > apps "calendar". After I renamed it to agenda and remapped it appropriately,
> > everything was in working order.
> Ouch.  This sort of thing is actually a pretty common error-- the
> usual one is that people name their first django site "site", which
> breaks python's built-in site package, disabling packages and .pth's
> in site-packages.
> Perhaps Django should validate that the thing you supply to startapp
> and startproject aren't named something that's already importable.

Whilst it's an annoying problem, I don't think this is a solution. We've
talked about this a couple of times in the past (in particular, adding
it to startapp and startproject). The problem is that it only solves the
relatively small problem of initial creation and whatever happens to be
visible at that moment. It doesn't add any robustness against installing
third-party apps later (when you realise you actually need them) or
moving from a development system to production or setting your Python
import path in a different way so that now an entirely different set of
names are visible. A solution like this stands a good chance of causing
more pain than benefit, because people will rely on it too much at the
start and then get bitten when the venture into the real world.

Avoiding clashes with other modules on your Python path is something you
always have to do in Python. Django doesn't feel like the right level to
be trying to solve it (and every other language that allows inclusion of
other units of code).


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