On Wed, 2007-06-13 at 13:53 +0800, Nimrod A. Abing wrote:
> Hello,
> Regarding very large file uploads, I know this probably gets asked a
> lot and I've found one thread that comes close to what the answer I'm
> looking for:
> http://groups.google.com/group/django-users/browse_thread/thread/ca95963aaa33ce1e/c69fb3381885f9a7
> This thread was posted about a year ago and I cannot find any
> follow-ups to this discussion. I am running Django using mod_python
> and my question is: What happens when a very large file is uploaded?
> Does it all get stored in memory or is it stored in a temp file and
> accessed as a byte stream?

See ticket #2070. The final patch there is awaiting some review time
from one of the core developers, but should be pretty close to final

> I want to be able to allow very large file uploads but I want to make
> sure an upload does not use up all the memory on the machine.
> Regarding cookie-less visitors or visitors with cookies disabled on
> their browser or proxy. Django, with the SessionMiddleware, will
> always create a new session and send a new session id as a cookie to
> the browser. Even with just the HEAD script from libwww-perl, I am
> able to get the site to issue new sessions with every HEAD request.
> What happens if a script kiddie hammers the site with so many HEAD
> requests? 

The difficulty is distinguishing between when the user needs a session
and when they don't. If your site uses the session middleware and a DOS
attack of this nature is possible, you need to defend against it at a
higher layer (web server or firewall). Django doesn't track the IP
address for session cookies (since they aren't tied to a particular IP
address), so there's no way to determine the problem exists at the
Django level.

You could build a middleware that tracks this information fairly easily,
though, and use that as a defensive layer as well.

> Do dead/unused sessions pile up on the sessions table? Does
> Django do anything to mitigate this or at least clean up dead/unused
> sessions automatically?

No. However, there is a script in django/bin called daily_cleanup.py
that you can put in a cronjob to clean up expired sessions. Again,
because of lack of IP address tracking or anything of that nature, only
expired cookies can be cleaned up by this process.


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