On Sat, 2007-06-16 at 21:39 +0000, schettino72 wrote:
> Hello,
>    I would like to change the decimal point character from "." to
> ",".
>    "django settings" have several localization options but I couldnt
> find for decimal point character. Is it supported?
>    I am specially interested in the admin interface.
>    I know i can use the python locale module. but i guess it wont help
> if the admin does not support it.
>    i am supposed to put this code in "settings.py". Right?
> import locale
> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL,"pt_BR.UTF-8")

At the moment, that won't work. Even if you execute those lines
float('1,23') won't do what you expect. Instead, all the uses of float()
-- and other conversion functions -- have to be changed to use things
like locale.atof().

This is the feature requested in #3940 and it's something I've been
looking at a bit recently to work out how we can make it work reasonably
smoothly. It's a reasonably large change, so it will be a few weeks
before it's implemented, given everything else on my plate at the moment
and the amount of testing required.


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