I want to show the user the latest users that have seen his profile.
So everytime a logged user views another user's profile a ProfieView
object is stored in the database (or the date is updated if the user
that is viewing the profile has already viewed it before). I know this
can make the database grow too much, so I think I can run a cron
script daily that deletes all profile views older than a week (see
clear_old method). I don't know if the code is 100% correct, but is
the concept ok? Does it make sense to add a new object to the database
everytime another user views a profile?

class ProfileViews(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User,related_name='latest_profile_views')
    viewer = models.ForeignKey(User)
    date = models.DateTimeField()

    def clear_old(self):
        d = datetime.now()-timedelta(weeks=1)
        p = ProfileViews.objects.filter(date__lte=d)

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