On Jun 21, 4:54 pm, Gabriel Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 5:19 pm, RichardH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This is probably more of a Python question than django, but django
> > provides the context for my problem.
> > Requirement: I have got a user defined list of field names (e.g.
> > field_names=['id','name','description',...]) and I want to pass this
> > list to the value() method on a QuerySet thereby returning a subset of
> > the model fields (as a dictionary).
> > Problem: value() takes individual field names as parameters (e.g.
> > value('id', 'name,' description'), not a list of field names (e.g.
> > value(field_names) ). Is there a simple way of passing the list of
> > field names to the value() method or is there an alternative strategy
> > for returning the subset of fields from the QuerySet?
> > Hopefully this is obvious to someone, but it has me stumped.
> > Richard
> Not obvious, and it's stumped me before in various Python projects, so
> I decided to search around for it.  Finally found it 
> athttp://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-March/312568.html.
> That post says, in short, that one can pass a list of values to a
> function that expects those values as variable arguments by simply
> placing an asterisk before the list (or tuple) in the function input.
> For example:
>     >>> def bob(*args):
>     ...     for arg in args:
>     ...         print arg
>     ...
>     >>> sally = ['june', 'andy', 'frank']
>     >>> bob(sally)
>     ['june', 'andy', 'frank']
>     >>> bob(*sally)
>     june
>     andy
>     frank
>     >>>
> I tried so many ways around this problem, and I knew Python, by it's
> nature, had to have a simple solution.  Glad to have found it.
> HTH,
> Gabe

This helps a great deal. Such a simple solution, I am surprised it
isn't more prominently documented. Many thanks for making the effort
to find it. Much appreciated.

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