On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 13:05 -0500, Tim Chase wrote:
> > I want to use some stored procedures. I am mySql. Is there
> > some way I can define stored procedures from withing django? 
> > (We can call already defined procedures,
> > http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/118/ discusses how, but
> > can we also define stored procedures from within django?)
> I don't believe Django holds your hand for creating SPs.  Each DB 
> engine tends to use its own languages for SPs which makes the 
> process even harder.  IIRC, PostgreSQL has support for SPs 
> written in Python in addition to umpteen other languages.  I 
> haven't toyed with SPs in MySQL, and I don't know if sqlite even 
> supports SPs (other than perhaps executing a bit of code on a 
> trigger).
> You can always use cursor.execute() to create them, or you can 
> use Django's facilities for executing SQL when you 
> sqlcustom/sqlreset/sqlall/reset via manage.py as described at
> http://www.djangoproject.com/documentation/model-api/#database-backend-specific-sql-data
> and above.  However, I don't think there's much more in the way 
> of coddling facilities in Django.

Be aware, though, that there are lots of SQL constructs (including a lot
that crop up in stored procedures) that are not handled correctly in the
initial SQL parsing. For backend-specific stuff, that's a small bug. For
the more general initial SQL, it's an unsolvable problem.

So if you are using complicated SQL in your stored procedures, you may
need to load it manually.


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