On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 11:04:40PM -0000, Rob Hudson wrote:
> Just following up...
> If you use the query string option, you don't need to know the current
> url, you can just do this:
>     {% if has_previous %}
>     <a href="?page={{ previous }}">Previous</a>
>     {% endif %}

Which works fine & dandy as long as you're not using GET parameters for anything
else.  The canonical example is a search page with paginated results.  It's
actually a slight pain to come up with a good way to construct the prev/next
URLs without making too many assumptions about the order/presence of GET
parameters.  I'd be happy if django would come up with a nice solution to that

I'd also be happier if django's pagination template context parameters didn't
pollute the template context so much.  It'd be nice to stuff them all in a dict
called paginator:



But idunno, I guess it's not that big of a deal.  In practical terms, it
probably doesn't actually come up, since you can just avoid name conflicts by
not naming your context variables the same as the pagination variables.


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