Howdy Ivan:

I'll try to take a stab at a few of your questions.


> So for my root site, would I want to do this?
> <Location "/">
>     SetHandler python-program
>     PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
>     SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE foo.settings
>     PythonDebug On
> </Location>

If you wanted your entire site to be a Django project, this is what you
would do.  You may need to add the PythonPath in there if the initial
configuration doesn't work:

PythonPath "['/var/www/project'] + sys.path"

> I want to store images and such in /var/www/images. Templates that
> refer to images and css can just refer to them in that fashion. So an
> <img src="/images/somePic.jpg"> in a template would load the right
> image -- though the template does not live in /var/www. Right?

You have a couple of options.  The docs suggest you setup static files
under a separate, non-mod_python server.  If you *really* want to serve
the files under this apache process, you need to tell mod_python to
ignore them.

<Location "/images">
    SetHandler None

To use /var/www/images, you may need to setup an alias...

Alias /images /var/www/images

Alternatively, you could setup virtualhosts, if your home network would work 
with them.

> Also, what is the easiest way to restart Apache so that changes to
> the /var/www/httpd.conf stick?

The httpd.conf is located in /var/www?  That seems to be a very
unorthodox place.  Anyways, to make sure the changes stick you typically
need to do at least a:

/etc/init.d/apache reload

To get any changes in to stick, you'll need to restart

/etc/init.d/apache restart


apache2ctl -k restart

Sometimes under some circumstances you will actually need to stop and
start apache.

> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I hope the above is somewhat helpful.  Don't hesitate asking for
clarification, and I'm sure somebody else will chime in with their .02



Kelvin Nicholson
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