On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 02:26 -0700, AnaReis wrote:
> Hi again,
> This is getting very frustrating because I can't make this work...
> This is exactly what I wrote in the files:

In future, please remember that when you send a message like this, a lot
of us are reading it through an e-mail interface, so include the
necessary context to help us understand the problem. I ended up having
to go back and read all your earlier messages in the thread to work out
what the problem is that you were having. People, including me, may not
always feel like spending that much time to answer a question, so please
help us to help you.

If I understand correctly, you want to have control over error message

[... snip...]
> [field.html]
> <tr{% if field.errors %} class="errors" {% endif%}>
>   <th>
>     <label for="id_{{ field.name }}">{{ field.label }}{% if
> field.field.required %}<span class="required">*</span>{% endif %}:</
> label>
>   </th>
>   <td>
>     {{ field }}
>     {% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}

So this is the problem. If you look at field classes (in
newforms.fields), you can see that the errors attribute is a
newforms.util.ErrorList class and the __str__ method for ErrorList is
the as_ul() method -- displaying results as an unordered list.

If you want to control the presentation, you will need to iterate over
field.errors and write out the results one by one. Or you could write a
filter that applies to field.error and does this for you. Remember that
ErrorList is a subclass of Python's standard lists, so something like

        {% if field.errors %}
           {% for error in field.errors %}
              {{ error }}<br />
           {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
This particular example would just dump the strings with br tags between
them, but you can obviously do whatever you want there.

Some experimentation will be required, but since you have full access to
the raw error strings, anything should be possible.


Works better when plugged in. 

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