> Small tweak to support models which don't use AutoField for primary_key.
> def get_admin_url(self):
>    pk = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.attname)
>    return "/admin/%s/%s/%s/" % (
>       self._meta.app_label,
>       self._meta.module_name,
>       pk)

Hmmm. Nice, except that it hardcodes the base url of the admin, which leads
me to this :
    def get_admin_url(self):
        pk = getattr(self, self._meta.pk.attname)
        return ('django.contrib.admin.views.main.change_stage',
    get_admin_url = models.permalink(get_admin_url)
Does that look reasonable?

Looks like something that could be part of models.Model...


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