On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 18:58 -0700, dailer wrote:
> I have a models.py module that I thought I would test pydoc on. So I
> try.....
> $ python manage.py shell
> Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 18 2007, 08:51:08) [MSC v.1310 32 bit
> (Intel)] on win32
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> (InteractiveConsole)
> >>> from mysite.models import *
> >>> help(Merchant)
> Help on class Merchant in module mysite.models:
> Merchant = <class 'src.mysite.models.Merchant'>

Looks like this is the default result for Model subclasses. Possibly
related to the way we create them (using a metaclass). Feel free to work
out a patch in django/db/models/base.py (in the ModelBase class,
probably) if you want to fix this. It would probably be useful.

Otherwise, might be worth opening a ticket in case somebody else is
looking for something to do.

> but this isn't the doc string I have for this class at all and isn't
> what you normally get from pydoc. I try a few more of the classes with
> the same result. So I copy one of those classes to a new class in the
> same module (just adding the number 2 to the name) and it works
> perfectly for that class. Obviously something somewhere else is
> different but what?

Given the complete lack of example code you've provided, we have no way
of telling.


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