I posted about the exact same issue a couple days ago and someone
suggested using the js attribute of the admin class.  Unfortunately as
a novice programmer this is going to take me a while to navigate so
I've moved on to other areas of my application before I get down into
it.  I'm watching this thread with eager interest however, in case
someone has a magic solution.

I'm also new to open source software communities, so I don't exactly
know the appropriate venue for feature requests, but the feature that
David is describing here strikes me as tremendously useful.  Are other
people wishing that this existed in Django?

On Jul 4, 5:05 am, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was really excited about Rails. But however much it claims that it
> follows the DRY convention, I unfortunately do find myself repeating
> myself for things like the admin area of my site.
> That's why the Admin interface of Django has now become ever so much
> more appealing to me. Having spent a whole day looking into Django,
> looks like it has everything I need to port my application over.
> I started with my basic models, and they all works marvellously.
> However, when I come to trying to implement the hardest feature in my
> Rails app, a many-to-many polymorphic association (generic relation in
> Django speak), I've hit the only hurdle stopping me from reaching the
> finishing line.
> I have my models (simplified here for this posting):
>     from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
>     from django.contrib.contenttypes import generic
>     class Article(models.Model):
>         title = models.CharField(maxlength=300)
>         ...
>     class Assignable(models.Model):
>         article = models.ForeignKey(Article)
>         content_type = models.ForeignKey(ContentType)
>         object_id = models.PositiveIntegerField()
>         content_object = generic.GenericForeignKey()
>     class Character(models.Model):
>         name = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
>         articles = generic.GenericRelation(Article)
>     class Film(models.Model):
>         title = models.CharField(maxlength=50)
>         characters = models.ManyToManyField(Character)
>         articles = generic.GenericRelation(Article)
> Please let me stress that that isn't the full implementation (if you
> want me to go into further detail, please let me know). Basically, I
> want to be able to assign many different objects (of different model
> types) to an Article.  I need to be able to do this via the Admin
> interface in a user friendly way so that the people who write the
> articles can do it easily.
> The way I had this working in Rails was with a fancy controller method
> and some Ajax.
> For the Admin interface for the Articles, I basically want to be able
> to have inline editing for adding new 'Assignables' (objects of
> different model types). It would basically be two select boxes. The
> first would contain the models that have a generic relation to the
> Article model. Upon selecting one of those models, the second select
> box is populated with the objects of that model type. You can then
> assign that object to the Article. And you can assign as many objects
> as you like to an Article.
> Like I say, this is the one thing preventing me from moving over to
> Django, and I'm so close!! It's torture. I really hate having to spend
> all day coding the admin part of my Rails app, when I can do 80% of it
> in Django in around 2 lines per model!!
> Surely other people need this as well?  Has anyone found a solution?
> Any help, direction or guidance would be very much appreciated.

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