Thank you, must have thought about it... Probably need some rest, now
it seems so obvious a solution.

On 4 июл, 15:56, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-07-04 at 04:34 -0700, Eugene Morozov wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have two projects, they were developed independently. They will be
> > run on the same server and have many things in common (notably some
> > models and templatetags).
> > While I can import models from another project if it is on PYTHONPATH,
> > I cannot find a way to share templatetags. I don't want to copy them,
> > because maintaining costs would become higher (need to remember to
> > apply bug fixes in both places, for example).
> > Is there a way to import templatetags from another project?
> Reuse is much easier once you think in terms of applications, rather
> than projects. A project is just a collection of applications (really,
> it's just a settings file and maybe a root URLConf). So you can easily
> share an application in two projects, since applications can be imported
> from anywhere on your Python path, as you've noted.
> So, if you *only* want to share the template tags and nothing else from
> their current application, make a new application that only contains
> those template tags. Then you can install that application into both
> projects (by including the import path in INSTALLED_APPS in each
> project's settings file) and the code will be shared as you would
> expect. As mentioned in a thread earlier today on this list, loading a
> template tag in a template will cause all the installed apps to be
> searched for that template tag file, so you don't need to worry about
> keeping the tags right next to the templates they are used in.
> > Django is really great framework, but I have a gut feeling that Django
> > support for code reuse is significantly worse, than, say, in Plone/
> > Zope 3. Though it might be because of my relative inexpirience in
> > Django.
> It's due to your inexperience, I suspect. Almost everything in Django
> operates through normal Python imports, so you can share any code that
> is on your Python path. The only real constraints are that template tags
> are loaded from a directory called templatetags/ that must live in an
> application directory and models must live in a module called "models".
> Everything else is free-form and entirely under your control.
> Regards,
> Malcolm
> --
> Depression is merely anger without 
> enthusiasm.http://www.pointy-stick.com/blog/

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