Bryan Veloso skrev:

(I am only commenting on the model (database and Django) in this post -
I don't really know enough about imports to help you with that bit)

> I have 2 models for an MMORPG control panel I'm building. Each set of
> data is within it's own app with related models, etc. So here's my
> example. It's run off an existing database so I really can't change
> any of the database fields.
It seems some of the tables are not normalized (see below). Are they set
in stone?

> I have a Character model that imports the Guild model.
> class Character(models.Model):
>     char_id             = models.IntegerField('Character ID',
> primary_key=True)
>     account             = models.ForeignKey(Account, unique=True,
> db_column='account_id')
>     char_num            = models.IntegerField('Character Slot')
>     name                = models.CharField('Name', maxlength=90)
>     guild               = models.ForeignKey('Guild',
> db_column='guild_id') <<<<

As far as I can see, this

    account = models.ForeignKey(Account, unique=True,

is equivalent to
    account = models.OneToOneField(Account, db_column='account_id' )

but with a simpler interface ("account.character" rather than

You might want to consider this change - although it might be a bad idea
if you envision multiple characters per account int he future.
> But the app that contains Guild has another model that is linked to
> the Character model.
> class GuildMember(models.Model):
>     guild               = models.ForeignKey(Guild,
> db_column='guild_id', unique=True, primary_key=True)
>     account             = models.ForeignKey(Account,
> db_column='account_id', unique=True)
>     character           = models.ForeignKey(Character,
> db_column='char_id', unique=True) <<<<
The use of "unique=True" here looks wrong. As written, a Guild has at
most one Character, and a Character has at most one Guild. Is this
really what you want? If so you might again consider using two
OneToOneFields. But I suspect you really mean 'unique_together

Anyway, the database design looks quite bad ... the "account" field in
GuildMember seems redundant (assuming it points to the account of the
character). It is not clear whether Character.guild corresponds to
Character.guildmember_set()[0].guild - if they are always the same, the
table structure is not normalized.

I guess the root cause of your problems is that you cannot easily model
a ManyToMany relationship between models in different apps. As Malcolm
suggests, the solution is probably to not have two apps.


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