On Jul 5, 5:38 pm, "Fabien Schwob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently hosting  my Django websites on a dedicated server and it
> works fine. I restart Apache when I make modifications since I'm alone
> on the box.
> But I've made evangelism for Django and I've convinced some friends to
> use it. So I would like to take a new server and to set up a "Django
> Shared Hosting". What is the best way to do that ?
> - One Apache instance by user/website (I've seen that 
> onhttp://www.gypsyhosting.com/) ? But how to do that does someone have
> some links to do that ?
> - Using lighttpd and FGCI ?
> - Using Apache and FCGI, so the user only need to *touch* the fcgi script.
> My goal is to build my shared hosting and to create a document on how
> to do that. So, any help are welcome.

You may want to have a look at mod_wsgi (www.modwsgi.org) and the
following instructions for Django:


It contains a few different recipes. For what you want, one Django
site per VirtualHost run using mod_wsgi daemon mode would be the best.

To trigger a restart of the process and thus reload any changes, they
can send a SIGINT signal to the httpd process which is owned by them.
One could even have a web page in the application itself which

  os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)

This will cause the process to be shutdown and restarted at the end of
the request.

The other alternative is to turn on interpreter reloading, which will
result in the Python sub interpreter being destroyed within the
running process when the WSGI application script file is modified, and
a new sub interpreter created with any changed code. How reliable this
works depends a bit on what third party C extension modules are being
used. Interpreter reloading is controlled by the WSGIReloadMechanism
directive and is documented in:


A discussion of issues related to interpreter reloading can be found
in section 'Reloading Python Interpreters' in:


If interested in this and have further questions let me know.


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