thank you for replying so fast

Well im looking for tutorials on building a simple photo app to start

i started to mess around with the following in my

from django.db.models import *

# Create your models here.
class photo(Model):
        image= ImageField(upload_to="photos/")
        title= CharField(maxlength=150)
        uploaded=  DateTimeField()

        class Admin:
                list_display = ('image','title','uploaded')

but here is the catch I want to add a field to add the captions and i
want to show the thumbnails
of the pic. from here on I was lost. because i dont know aboutt th or the

If you have a more complex photo app ill take it. since I am just
starting to learn the language. Im all confuded
since I am just starting to mess around with making anything. Or if
you can point me out to the right place to read instrucitons ill
appreciate any help. Im looking at the book for reference but think of
me as a slow processor


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