Hello Djangonauts,

After spending sometimes to learn using the test/fail/correct cycle I
have finally reach a point where I have something that more or less do
what I want. However since one of the objectives of the project I am
working on was to improve my knowledge on django I would like to read
from you how to improve what I have done.

The goal is to generate dynamically a form using the newforms
This forms should all the user to create an Interview
(models.py:http://dpaste.com/hold/14560/ )
What I have done so far is create this custom form:

class AnswerPollForm(forms.Form):
    def __init__(self, poll_id, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AnswerPollForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.poll = Poll.objects.get(id=poll_id)
        for c in self.poll.choice_set.iterator():
            self.fields[c.id] =

  That I use in this view (http://dpaste.com/hold/14562/). The
interesting part is that I create a list of tuple made with the polls
and the forms representing them. This allow  me to create a single
form that I can use to collect the interview to a survey.

        list_answer_forms =[]
        for poll in survey.poll_set.iterator():
        return render_to_response('dj_survey/template/
                                  'survey': survey,
                                  'request': request})

This list of forms is then used in the following template:
        <h1>Welcome to {{ survey.name }}</h1>
        <p>{{ survey.description }}</p> <br></br>
    <FORM action="." method="post">
        {% for poll,form in list_answer_forms %}
            <h2>{{ poll.title }} | {{ poll.question }}</h2>
                {{ form.as_ul }}
        {% endfor %}
        <INPUT type="submit" value="Submit"> <INPUT type="reset">

 This is not bat but i would prefer if instead of the list of tuple
containing my forms could directly instantiate a "all in one" form.
 This would avoid the loop on list_answer_forms. This is were I get
stuck. Could you please let me know how to add html text between the
 like "<h2>{{ poll.title }} | {{ poll.question }}</h2>"

 Any other improvement is more than welcome.
 Thank you for your time.


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