hello everone,

a while back I mailed about a problem with path_info. Basically I'm 
having the same problem and the previous fix we discussed no longer works.

I'm getting this behavior:

http://www.....com/a/ => path_info = "/a"
http://www.....com/a/b/ => path_info = "/b"
http://www.....com/a/b/c/ => path_info = "/b/c/"

Apache 2.2.4
mod_python 3.3.1

The previous time I had this error we were able to fix it by removing 
DocumentRoot from the apache config, but this time that's not really 

This is the virtual-host section with some small obfuscations:

( settings.py is in /opt/splice/pysplice/settings.py )

<VirtualHost *:80>
         ServerName xxxxxx.splicemusic.com
         ServerAlias beard
         AcceptPathInfo On
         <Location />
             AuthName "xxxxx"
             AuthUserFile /xxxxx
             AuthType Basic
             require valid-user
             Order allow,deny
             Allow from All

             PythonInputFilter tramline.core::inputfilter TRAMLINE_INPUT
             PythonOutputFilter tramline.core::outputfilter TRAMLINE_OUTPUT
             SetInputFilter TRAMLINE_INPUT
             SetOutputFilter TRAMLINE_OUTPUT
             PythonOption tramline_path /tmp/tramline/

             SetHandler python-program
             PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
             SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE pysplice.settings
             SetEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib
             PythonDebug On
             PythonPath "['/opt/splice/'] + sys.path"
         <Location /api>
             Satisfy Any
             Allow from All
         <Location /crossdomain.xml>
             Satisfy Any
             Allow from All
         <Location /gateway>
             Satisfy Any
             Allow from All
         Alias /media /opt/splice/pysplice/media
         <Location /media> # for some things we need media served by apache!
             SetHandler None
             Satisfy Any
             Allow from All

I'm becoming pretty desperate for a fix as we're slowly but surely 
converting this server to our "live" server.

thanks a lot,

  - bram

PS: http://www.splicemusic.com is moving to django. Yippy :-)

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